Houseplant Week - 9th January 2023
Monday 9th January sees the start of Houseplant Week UK. There has been a steady rise in popularity of indoor gardening and with more of us spending time indoors throughout covid, the need for houseplants and indoor greenery became ever more important. Houseplants have a lot of health benefits including improving the air we breath and helping to raise your mood during the winter months. It is also a fabulous mindful exercise to look after your houseplants and nurture them, trying to get them to grow. There are hundreds of different varieties available and this week we will be having a few new ones in stock including the Alocasia Zebrina with it's fantastic zebra striped stems. So why not share photos of your houseplants on social media with this hashtag #houseplantweekuk and check out the website of the creator of this week for more tips